Business Agility

We are currently witnessing the greatest list of threats towards western civilization we have faced since the Great Depression and World War II! In our recent book "Radical Business Agility", Hans Amell and I describe the exciting megatrends that are moving us forward.
For more than two years now we have all experienced the most uncertain and turbulent business climate since, at least, the Great Depression of the 1930s. For those of you whose businesses have survived and prospered, congratulations!
Can Business Agility be used to immunize your organization? Immunizing your organization with Business Agility tools can help increase resistance to market turbulence and other business diseases.
We advise, train and coach organisations to successfully navigate the current uncertain turbulent and pandemic markets. Are you experiencing uncertainty and turbulence?
Business agility means selling, even in tough markets. Although I cannot remember, nor find the study in question, the following research is more relevant now as it was when it was first published.
With the powerful megatrends that are currently in motion such as: big data, aging demographics and easy money, to name just a few, plus the perfect storm of economical, geopolitical and environmental chaos are uniting to cause business cycles to shorten and intensify, Drastically.
Like the proverbial frog in a pot of slowly boiling water, even if you are trained in business agility and change management you may miss slow moving megatrends while they merge to become a perfect storm.
Uncertainty screams for tactical or business agility, now. As we charge into the Twenty First Century, business conditions are changing at an accelerated rate, demanding more operational and tactical business agility. When it comes to business, fortunes can now be made or lost in milliseconds, literally! Don’t believe it? Ask some of the now filthy…
Increase your Business Agility! Learn to tackle the Greatest Inhibitors of Change! Business Agility is all the rage! Look at all the books and articles on how wonderful life will be when your business becomes agile. Yet how easy is it to become more agile when you even just focusing on the four most prominent…
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