CAG International AG Implements Business Agility to Tackle Covid-19 Epidemic

Kurt Larsson
CAG International AG Implements Business Agility to Tackle Covid-19 Epidemic

CAG International AG offers its proven business agility tools, its global digital learning track record and its vast consulting/coaching experience. We advise, train and coach organisations to successfully navigate the current uncertain turbulent and pandemic markets. Are you experiencing uncertainty and turbulence?

As of this writing, most companies are now faced with their most challenging business environment of all time. For many, their survival is in question as often 80% of their normal revenue has disappeared just during the last month. Some are facing a complete NO-Bid situation, as even loyal customers see no need to continue purchasing their products or services. If you and your management team are wondering how to handle this radical and abrupt change in your business, CAG International AG stands ready to serve.

Business Agility

Our chairperson Hans Amell and board member Kurt Larsson literally wrote the book on, "Mastering (Business) Agility, Successfully Navigating Uncertainty" (available on Amazon).
Written 4 years ago, it accurately described the coming, drastic shortening of business cycles. It predicted the acceleration of exciting mega trends, such as Big Data, digital learning and changing demographics, etc. This, combined with a then gathering perfect storm of geopolitical, economic and environmental threats was a recipe for disaster! This is now the situation we face. To deal with these now manifesting challenges, it also included descriptions and case studies of 13 of our many proven Business Agility tools. We now stand ready to introduce and implement these tools within organisations looking to survive Covid-19 and emerge even stronger from the economical destruction being caused.

Digital Learning

As “viral” has now reverted from an Internet marketing term back to its darker, medical origin, the shift to digital learning is now critical to your organisation’s future. We have been creating and delivering digital-, online and blended learning, on an international basis, for more than 15 years.,We serve such giants as Volvo, SKF, SCA and GANT Clothes, in over 30 languages and on all delivery platforms. If your company needs help with anything related to digital learning such as: design, implementation, AI integration, LMS, analysis or improvement, we are ready with the skills and experience to assess, assist or even run your learning organisation at peak efficiency.

In Short, CAG International AG invites you and your organisation to join us on the path of business agility mastery and to tackle today’s unprecedented business challenges with decisive action, proven tools and experience needed to win.

For more information about CAG International AG and how you and your team can benefit, please contact us here!


Board Member Catalyst Acquisition Group, Minerva Group

Kurt Larsson is an American who has been living in Sweden since the late 1980s. With a background and degree in Finance, he has sold everything from Automobile tires in Houston, Texas to retail banking delivery systems in over 20 countries. He has driven his own educational consulting company, Expanding Understanding, for more than 20 years. His niche is transforming consultative business teams into collaborative ones.

To do this he specializes in effective selling, leadership and customer service practices, focused on more conscious and efficient use of the most important communication tool we have, our body language. His skills work perfectly in line with transforming management, sales and customer service teams from a transactional to a collaborative business model where customer loyalty is the prime goal. He has now become an active member on both Catalyst Acquisition and Minerva Groups’s Board of directors. He has written many articles on Ezine, his own blog and is also co-author with Hans Amell of the book:

"Mastering Agility, Successfully Navigating Uncertainty"