Business Agility & The Greater Depression

Kurt Larsson
Business Agility & The Greater Depression :: CAG International AG

Will Business Agility help in a Greater Depression?

Like the proverbial frog in a pot of slowly boiling water, even if you are trained in business agility and change management you may miss slow moving megatrends while they merge to become a perfect storm.

What if that’s the case with many trends that are now over three generations old? Below is a great article from and Doug Casey from Casey Research on some large but stealthy changes that have occurred. What if these changes render business as usual redundant in the next big downturn?

How will the following changes affect you, your organization, your family, your community and your way of life should some black swan suddenly appear?

Below is more proof that this time it’s indeed different. Is the following article yet more evidence for the need of Mastering Agility? It is called, “The Greater Depression has Started. Comparing the 1930s to Today”


Board Member Catalyst Acquisition Group, Minerva Group

Kurt Larsson is an American who has been living in Sweden since the late 1980s. With a background and degree in Finance, he has sold everything from Automobile tires in Houston, Texas to retail banking delivery systems in over 20 countries. He has driven his own educational consulting company, Expanding Understanding, for more than 20 years. His niche is transforming consultative business teams into collaborative ones.

To do this he specializes in effective selling, leadership and customer service practices, focused on more conscious and efficient use of the most important communication tool we have, our body language. His skills work perfectly in line with transforming management, sales and customer service teams from a transactional to a collaborative business model where customer loyalty is the prime goal. He has now become an active member on both Catalyst Acquisition and Minerva Groups’s Board of directors. He has written many articles on Ezine, his own blog and is also co-author with Hans Amell of the book:

"Mastering Agility, Successfully Navigating Uncertainty"