Uncertain Times Scream for Business Agility

Kurt Larsson
Uncertain Times Scream for Business Agility :: CAG International AG

Uncertainty screams for tactical or business agility, now.

As we charge into the Twenty First Century, business conditions are changing at an accelerated rate, demanding more operational and tactical business agility. When it comes to business, fortunes can now be made or lost in milliseconds, literally!
Don’t believe it? Ask some of the now filthy rich or totally broke high frequency traders who prey on the World’s stock, bond and foreign exchange markets. From the boardroom to the living room, business cycles and life in general are speeding up!

For those of you stressing to run a healthy business while remaining healthy yourself, the stakes and challenges (you will find below) just keep getting higher.

For more information on why it’s time to Get Agile or Die Trying please read the following EZine article.


Board Member Catalyst Acquisition Group, Minerva Group

Kurt Larsson is an American who has been living in Sweden since the late 1980s. With a background and degree in Finance, he has sold everything from Automobile tires in Houston, Texas to retail banking delivery systems in over 20 countries. He has driven his own educational consulting company, Expanding Understanding, for more than 20 years. His niche is transforming consultative business teams into collaborative ones.

To do this he specializes in effective selling, leadership and customer service practices, focused on more conscious and efficient use of the most important communication tool we have, our body language. His skills work perfectly in line with transforming management, sales and customer service teams from a transactional to a collaborative business model where customer loyalty is the prime goal. He has now become an active member on both Catalyst Acquisition and Minerva Groups’s Board of directors. He has written many articles on Ezine, his own blog and is also co-author with Hans Amell of the book:

"Mastering Agility, Successfully Navigating Uncertainty"