The Growing Importance of Corporate Training and Its ROI

Kurt Larsson
The Growing Importance of Corporate Training and Its ROI

Optimal Corporate Training Increases your Business Agility

In this viral era all costs count, even training. To remain competitive, efficiency and return on your corporate training investment need to be assessed. It is critically important to verify you are getting the most “bang for your buck” from your training budget. This is especially true during these critical times when everyone who still has a job needs to be continuously inspired to work at peak efficiency.

Why is corporate training becoming more important?

Training keeps increasing in importance due to a number of factors, for instance:

  • Markets are improving and evolving in quicker, more unforgiving cycles. Overlooking or ignoring the latest developments can quickly make your company a has-been.
  • Each customer/end user needs to feel special or they can easily take their business and loyalty somewhere else.
  • Employees need to be stimulated and inspired to keep them loyal and performing at peak efficiency.
  • Training provides an incredible communication/feedback/idea channel from the front lines to the boardroom and back.

With the increasing importance of corporate training, the more you can accurately measure and assess the value and return of each training dollar/euro/crown/etc. spent, the better you will be able to optimise this important process and keep your organisation viable.

To get an accurate reading, any assessment should be done by a competent third party. Doing it internally is becomes too tempting for stake holders to massage the results for personal or political reasons. Regardless of who you choose, the sooner you can get an accurate reading of how powerful and up to date your training investment is, the more you can fine tune it for optimal performance.

A comprehensive training assessment needs to look at the following areas:

Goals and objectives

  • What do you want to achieve?

Customer needs, wants and wishes

  • What are the desires and expectations of those using your training

GAP analysis: Current versus Future performance

  • How is working compared to how it can work?


  • What, specifically, can be done to improve it?

Analysing at least 9 areas including: strategy, processes, people, systems and distribution, a measurable assessment can then be made, followed by specific recommendations for improvement. Measurable results can range from some simple adjustments to outsourcing your entire training department to a pure-play training organisation, for maximum efficiency and ROI.

If you are interested in a powerful and proven assessment tool, we would be very interested to present our STA+R (Systematic Training Audit and Recommendation) tool. It provides an accurate assessment of your current training offering, compared to current best practices plus, concrete recommendations as to the most efficient way to improve your results.

Please contact us if you are interested in optimising your Corporate Training offer


Board Member Catalyst Acquisition Group, Minerva Group

Kurt Larsson is an American who has been living in Sweden since the late 1980s. With a background and degree in Finance, he has sold everything from Automobile tires in Houston, Texas to retail banking delivery systems in over 20 countries. He has driven his own educational consulting company, Expanding Understanding, for more than 20 years. His niche is transforming consultative business teams into collaborative ones.

To do this he specializes in effective selling, leadership and customer service practices, focused on more conscious and efficient use of the most important communication tool we have, our body language. His skills work perfectly in line with transforming management, sales and customer service teams from a transactional to a collaborative business model where customer loyalty is the prime goal. He has now become an active member on both Catalyst Acquisition and Minerva Groups’s Board of directors. He has written many articles on Ezine, his own blog and is also co-author with Hans Amell of the book:

"Mastering Agility, Successfully Navigating Uncertainty"