STA+R :: CAG International AG
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Operational Tool


Regarding your corporate training, are you:

  • Curious about the value of what your corporate training provides?
  • Confused about how to measure it?
  • Worried about the growing bottle neck between product development and training development?

The Systematic Training Audit and Recommendations or STA+R tool is another powerful, proprietary auditing process. It provides a clear, measurable handle for what departments or functions deliver in value, compared to industry best practices. It leaves you with specific recommendations for the next step.

Development and production cycles are getting squeezed to shorter and shorter lengths, forcing new solutions. Current business practices now demand that your training cycle be quickened or your edge will be lost. This situation is not helped, for example, by the usual coziness of an internal training department nestled snugly, deep within HR.

STA+R :: CAG International AG

STA+R can help with

• Introductory training

• General basic internal training

• Compliance training

• Open, generic programs

• Company specific training

• Customer specific programs


The STA+R process

1. Clarify company goals and objectives:

Define your goal in a specific and measurable way

2. Discovery:

Play the role of detective to uncover input then follow its development all the way to the results produced.

3. Current state analysis:

Create an effective gap-analysis between what is actually happening, the results being produced and then compare it to the best practices within your industry.

4. Recommendations:

Then present your findings and repair any imbalances or weaknesses uncovered. This step ends when everyone is in agreement and an action plan is drawn up.

5. Implementation and follow up:

Time for the responsible people to act and begin hitting the specified milestones in your Action Plan. The progress made here should also be easy to graphically depict and display the results in your Dynamic Navigational Center or DNC.

Contact us
for more information on implementing a STA+R Analysis on your training department.