Rolling Budget System (RBS) :: CAG International AG
photo by pressfoto
Operational Tool

Rolling Budget System (RBS)

Rolling Budgets Increase Business Agility
By creating a more effective cash flow

  • Looking to increase or even out your cash flow?
  • Looking to aim more money at important issues faster?
  • Looking to adjust budget mistakes more quickly?
  • Looking to adapt to a changing market with increased dexterity?
  • Looking to free up unused resources more quickly?

Rolling Budget System (RBS) :: CAG International AG

By switching to a Rolling Budget System, inefficient decisions can be adjusted quickly, saving months of time and freeing up idle, often wasted resources for more important and/or promising projects. This eliminates typical year-end “budget crunches” that handicap decision-making behaviour and attitude for months. Cycles can be given more time to mature and the focus is on the customer, generating more business.

Get rolling with a lighter and freer budget process!
Contact us
for more information