Products and Services

CAG International offers a large number of radical business agility solutions. These are powerful tools to help companies become more agile. They are essential to surviving and growing in an increasingly uncertain world, proven to deliver measurable improvements in business agility and performance. Together we often refer to them as our "Agility Toolbox".

We typically initially focus on three primary services from that Toolbox, which are proven to deliver outstanding value to our clients and generate asymmetrical returns to CAG International’s Shareholders.

The three primary offerings in new client relationships are our powerful, proprietary training-evaluation tool called "STA+R" (Systematic Training Audit & Recommendations); our unique, trademarked outsourcing tool called "CORE" (Carveout-Sourcing); and our proven Agility Workshop for company leadership.

  • STA+R provides a clear, measurable report on what departments or functions deliver in value, compared to industry best practices. It leaves clients with specific recommendations for the next steps.
  • CORE mitigates all the traditional problems that normal out-sourcing arrangements can create. It is designed to uncover opportunities for shorter turnaround cycles with very low or no risk for the client. Our CORE tool eliminates most risks inherent in traditional outsourcing and effectively creates a win-win scenario for our clients, employees and our company.
  • Agility Workshop is often the first step to a more agile company. CAG International team members lead the Agility Workshops, work with leaders to provide company-specific diagnostics using its Agility Index, and provides further consulting services as needed from its Agility Toolbox.


Digital Learning

E-learning has been around for quite a long time. The reason is simple: it works, and in many ways is now essential and more effective than ever. The necessary devices and infrastructure are available to almost everyone and e-learning is now familiar and widely accepted. Using responsive design in production we have fully adapted to the trend − Mobile First!

New technology also allows us to go beyond the conventional e-learning format to what is now known as Digital Learning. This integrates audio, video and gaming features with relevant pedagogic content, all making e-learning more powerful, accessible, easy to consume, and measurably effective.

That said, classic classroom, e-learning and rapid learning methods are still accepted and cost-effective choices, in many instances. Therefore, we continue to offer Digital-Classroom and Blended Learning. CAG International has at its disposal two cloud-based Learning Management Systems (LMS), focused on deploying different learning levels/strategies.

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